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Urban learning


Urban Learning is project that gathered European organisations to exchange and good practice. What do human beings hope from their urban environments? One answer is spaces allowing them to engage in meaningful educational and social interactions and new experiences.

It is estimated that, by 2050, 6.5 billion people will be lived into urban centers around the world – that is two-thirds of the projected world population. Urbanisation tends to be debated in the frame of the negative side effects. As more and more people live in cities, every single aspect of our lives will be urbanized. Also, in a rapidly changing world, learning is required from everyone from cradle to grave. It is still quite a rare thing to hear about how urbanisation affects a particularly big issue of our era – learning. It is necessary Adult Education and Urban Learning. Cities are full of places of learning that most often go unrecognized.

Urban learning can take many forms and can happen in countless different places, but it is almost always first and foremost about learning together – mostly in a nonformal way. It is learning that happens when a lot of people are living side-by-side and are meeting other people to talk to or to do things together with them. In a way, urban learning is then at the heart of nonformal learning itself.

Urban learning, can also include fancy urban learning centers, casual encounters on a university campus, cafés that hold events, school trips in the urban environment and park, library, churches, street educators. Viewing the matter from the point of view of education then, the image of close urban learning community is quite the opposite of the much more often repeated pictures of loneliness, isolation and social malaise.

The project responds to the need to leave education outside training rooms. Human beings need: they look for spaces allowing them to engage in education and social interactions and new experiences. Whole city is a lifelong learning space.

The project is based on the needs of participating organizations and target groups:

- educators,

- parents.

The partnership consists organizations from: Poland, Portugal, Italy, Slovakia, Malta, Sweden. Project partnership are made up of organizations that are active in adult education.

The main objective of the project is to enable organizations to develop and strengthen networks, increase their ability to act at the transnational level, exchange good practices o subject: Urban Learning in Europe.

Specific objectives: - Exchange of good practices on the Urban Learning in Europe - Development of competencies of educators in the extended learning environment - Increasing the capacity to act at the transnational level.

The Results will be achieved during the project implementation: - Analysis in the spaces allowing to engage in education and social interactions and new experiences - in partner cities - Programs of local courses in extended learning environment - Serving all ages - Developing and improving partnership between partner organizations. - Strengthening the position of each partner organization in local and regional environments. - Improved quality competencies adult educators.

Project duration - 24 months. The project includes:- 4 Transnational Project Meeting, C - Short training programs, Management and implementation. The implementation of the project changes the reality, because it allows to gain knowledge and experience of partner organizations from European cities.

Project nomination

Result 1

Result 2 - EN

Result 2 - PL

Result 2 - ES

Result 2 - PT

Result 2 - IT

Result 2 - HU

Result 3


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